If you work as a dental assistant, then it is your job to clean the teeth of the patients that come into the dental office. You will likely see dozens of patients every single day, and some of these individuals will be anxious and nervous. It can make your job stressful to deal with anxious patients, and your patients will also be on edge until you are done providing treatments. You can help to reduce your workplace stress by calming your patients during a routine cleaning. You will not be able to make sweeping changes in the dental office, but there are some simple and cost effective things you can do in your exam room.

Play Music

Many people know that music can create powerful emotional reactions. Some songs make you feel energized, while others will make you sad or angry. Certain types of music can also calm you, and studies indicate that slow classical music is the best to reduce stress. Not only will the music reduce the emotional distress of your patients, but it can slow their heart rates and reduce the stress chemicals that are released by the body.  

Choose Classical Compositions

You can easily play classical music at a low volume in your exam room when you plug in a CD player radio in the space. Once you have the radio, consider purchasing CDs that feature composers like Palestrina, Bach, Mozart, and Debussy. These composers are known for their relaxing musical compositions. Ask your patients if they prefer a specific composer or type of classical music, or play a variety of different sonatas and symphonies.

If you have a client in your exam room that is scared of the sounds and noises that accompany the cleaning, then your radio may not help. Make sure to keep a portable CD player in your exam room and offer the player with headphones if noises are concerning. Just make sure that the volume is low enough that you can still communicate with the client.

Offer a Beverage

It may seem odd to serve beverages in a dental office, but tea can have a wonderful effect on stressed and anxious patients. In fact, studies indicate that a  single cup of tea can reduce anxiety levels significantly during a stressful situation.  

The act of drinking tea is relaxing, and the beverage also reduces stress that is caused by dehydration. Tea also contains herbs that can relax the body. Almost any tea can provide stress relief, but chamomile, passionflower, peppermint, lemon, and kava tea all contain herbs that are known to soothe the body.

Serve Tea

Once you decide on the tea that you want to serve to your patients, purchase an electric kettle to warm water in your exam room. Bring in several clean tea cups or buy a package of paper ones to pour the tea into.  

Your patient will have time to drink the tea while you set up your dental tools and equipment, so brew the water right before your patient enters your exam room. Once the patient enjoys the tea, ask them to rinse their mouth out with water. The tannins in the tea will form a slight film on the teeth that should be removed so that the teeth are easier to clean.

If you work as a dental assistant, then you know all about the dental anxieties that plague your patients. You can easily reduce some of this stress by playing classical music and by offering a cup of tea. This will help to keep your patients calm, and it will also make your day an easy one.
