Many people believe that wisdom teeth are inherently problematic, which is part of the reason why around 5 million people per year get them extracted. One of the problems often associated with wisdom teeth, and why they are often removed, is the difficulty many people have with cleaning them, which can lead to rot and infection. If you would rather keep your wisdom teeth rather than have them extracted, here are three ways to make sure your rearmost pearly whites stay clean and healthy. 

Buy an Extended Toothbrush

The main reason why people have a hard time cleaning their wisdom teeth is simply because they're just so far back. The answer to this problem is a simple one: buy a longer toothbrush. When shopping for a toothbrush, even an extra half inch can make a huge difference in comfort and cleaning ability. Another good way to customize your toothbrush is by buying one with an angled head, which can help to reach deep into the hinge of your jaw by your wisdom teeth. 

Use a Good Mouthwash

While picking a good toothbrush is a great start, the truth is you won't be able to reach every last piece of food or bacteria that collects around your wisdom teeth. To remedy this situation, buying an antibacterial mouthwash will help to reach the very back of your mouth and clear out bacteria like no toothbrush can. Make sure to pick out a therapeutic mouthwash as opposed to a cosmetic mouthwash when at the drug store or supermarket, as a cosmetic mouthwash won't do much for your oral health. 

Increase Dentist Visits

While there are ways to make sure you keep your wisdom teeth clean and healthy, nothing can replace a dentist visit in terms of helping out your oral health and keeping everything in check. An extra dentist visit should be scheduled shortly after your wisdom teeth emerge to check for alignment and health, and an extra visit or two per year should be scheduled after they have come in completely. A little bit of extra care from a skilled dentist can be far easier and more valuable than the days of discomfort and thousands of dollars associated with a wisdom tooth extraction. 

Wisdom tooth extraction is a procedure that millions of people dread every year, and for good reason. Extraction is a fairly painful and often unnecessary alternative to allowing your wisdom teeth to grow in naturally, which can be done very comfortably and safely if the proper measures are taken. 
