Cavities are a common oral health issue, but they can lead to tooth loss if they are not taken care of soon enough. If the decay progresses very slowly, you might not even know you have a cavity. That is why it is important to understand pain isn't the only symptom of cavities. Here are six signs of cavities you should know about:

Sensitivity to Cold Foods and Drinks

Do you cringe in pain every time you eat ice cream or drink icy cold soda? If you answered yes to this question, there is a good chance you have a cavity. When a tooth is sensitive to cold foods and beverages, decay may be developing on it.

Blood on Toothbrush

If you notice blood on your toothbrush, your first thought might be that you have gum disease. However, if you have a cavity between two teeth, gum tissue can begin to grow around them. If you brush your teeth with too much force, it can irritate the gum tissue.

White Spots on Teeth

If you see opaque, white spots on your teeth, it's time to make an appointment with your dentist. Healthy teeth are transparent, not chalky. When white spots form on your teeth, it is a sign decay is removing the minerals from your pearly whites.

Darkened Teeth

If your teeth are looking darker than usual, you may assume your morning cup of coffee is to blame. However, darkened teeth may also indicate tooth decay. When a cavity reaches the pulp of a tooth, the pulp can generate pigments that darken the enamel of your teeth. Instead of buying whitening strips, have your dentist check your teeth for cavities. 

Bad Breath

Having bad breath is normal after you eat garlic or onion. However, if you experience persistent bad breath, there may be a cause for concern. Food particles can get stuck in the tiny holes that develop from cavities, resulting in foul-smelling breath. 

Chipped Teeth

If your teeth chip off after you eat something hard, you may have cavities. When decay reaches the dentin, it can weaken the enamel of your teeth, making them more susceptible to chips and fractures.

If your teeth display any of these signs, you should make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible. Waiting too long may lead to more tooth decay, which can cause excruciating pain and increase your risk of tooth loss. Click here for more information.
