A child's first trip to the dentist marks a significant milestone in his or her early life, but unless you make the effort to prepare the child for the change, you might have a challenging situation on your hands. While pediatric dentists are trained and experienced in handling children who are nervous about the change in scenery, the fact remains that some children need coaxing to get ready for this big moment. With the right series of strategies, you can do your best to ensure that when the day of the first checkup arrives, your child will take everything in stride.

Mimic A Checkup At Home

You can make the process of your child's first dental checkup seem more familiar through a little practice in the weeks leading up to the event. Place the child in a seat that reclines, such as a car seat, and then lean it backward and encourage the child to open his or her mouth as widely as possible. You can make this part a game to keep the child engaged. Then, using a toothbrush, take some time to pretend to inspect the child's teeth. You don't have to follow any specific routine -- the simple act of having the child sit with an open mouth can help the checkup go more smoothly.

Find Topic-Appropriate Books

A visit to your local library or bookstore can often yield children's books about visiting the dentist. You can find a book that meets your child's age and then read the book to the child in the weeks prior to the appointment. Children can easily absorb the content of children's books and learn the messages within. In this case, the book's message will be about the importance of visiting the dentist and how there isn't anything to fear.

Schedule A Clinic Visit In Advance

Given that some children experience a degree of apprehension upon visiting a new setting for the first time, it's ideal to visit the dentist's office in advance. Call the clinic and ask if it's possible to visit a few days before the child's checkup. Even if you just sit in the waiting room and the child plays with the toys, this can be an effective way to acclimatize the child to the new surroundings. You might also get a chance to have a short meeting with the dentist, one like Round Lake Dental Clinic, which can help the child feel more comfortable when the day of the checkup arrives.
