If you have a few missing teeth, you most likely wish to have them replaced with false ones so you can smile without having any spaces. In the past, dentures were the desired route in hiding areas with missing teeth. With technology, however, dental implants have quickly become an alternative that many are considering instead. Here are some of the reasons why people are choosing to get dental implants over dentures.

No Dietary Restrictions

When you have implants placed, there are no restrictions in what you are able to eat as there are with dentures. Dentures can become damaged when biting into something hard as the stability of the mouthpiece is not as strong as it is when you have the false teeth implanted to the bone structure under the gums. You will enjoy being able to go out with friends and eating chewy and crunchy foods without worrying that your teeth will slip out of place.

No Discomfort or Pain

When you have implants placed, the only pain you will feel from the process is during the recovery time after surgery. When you have healed, you will not even realize your teeth are not real. People often deal with sore gums when they wear dentures regularly. When the gums become inflamed, it becomes necessary to remove the dentures to alleviate any pain.

No Worry About Slippage

When someone has dentures, there is always a fear that they will fall out at an inopportune time. People have to carry around adhesive and dismiss themselves to a bathroom or another secluded place to reinsert the dentures if this happens. With implants, there is no slipping whatsoever. The teeth are held firmly in place and you can talk, drink, and chew without worry someone will see you without teeth.

No Messy Care Procedures

Taking care of implants is the same as with regular teeth. You need to brush, floss, and see a dentist for cleanings. There is no need to take out the teeth to clean them and you will not need to worry about using messy adhesives throughout the day.

No Alteration in Appearance

Sometimes people can tell when others are wearing dentures. The jaw often has to push forward to keep the dentures from shifting out of place. When someone does this with their mouth, their entire appearance becomes altered. With implants there is no changes to face at all. No one will know there are false teeth in the mouth, giving you a reason to smile wide.

If you're considering getting an implant, check out the websites of local specialists, such as http://adazzlingsmile.com/, to learn more.
