If you're tired of looking in the mirror and seeing stained, yellow teeth smiling back at you, perhaps it's time to see your dentist for a professional whitening treatment. Unlike whitening toothpastes and over-the-counter whiteners that can make your shade or two lighter, professional whitening treatments can yield dramatic results and get rid of more dramatic stains. Here's a look at what to expect during and after your whitening appointment.

The Dental Assessment

Before your dentist administers the whitening treatment, he or she will make sure your teeth and gums are healthy enough for to undergo the process safely. Most people can undergo whitening safely, but if you have very thin enamel or extensive decay, your dentist may recommend against the procedure. You may also be a poor candidate if you have had an allergic reaction to hydrogen peroxide -- the active ingredient in most whitening treatments -- in the past.

Applying The Whitening Product

Once your dentist determines that you're a candidate, one of two whitening methods may be used. The first method involves painting a whitening gel onto your teeth, and then positioning a special laser over the gel. The laser will "activate" the gel and cause it to whiten the teeth. The process is painless, and it takes about an hour.

The other method is commonly known as the tray method. If you choose this process, your dentist will fill two trays with special whitening chemicals. You will bite down into the trays, putting the chemicals in contact with your teeth. Then, you will wait the recommended period of time (usually around 30 minutes) before the dentist removes the trays and has you rinse your mouth out.

The Results

Both methods of tooth whitening regularly yield amazing results. However, the results are not permanent. The teeth will begin accumulating stains again as soon as you leave the office. Thus, you will probably need to undergo subsequent whitening treatment to keep them looking bright.

There are a few ways to slow down the staining process so you can put off that next professional whitening treatment as long as possible:

  • Avoid staining foods and beverages, such as coffee and wine.
  • If you do drink dark-colored beverages, sip them through a straw so they don't come into direct contact with your teeth.
  • Brush with a toothpaste that contains baking soda -- the scrubbing texture will help remove more plaque, preventing stains

To learn more, contact a company like Advanced Family Dental Care LLC
