Dentures are often seen as something you have to get when your teeth fall out or need to be extracted, but some people actually choose to get them. Here are some things to consider if you want to get dentures.

How many teeth are missing?

While your dentist won't want you to pull out all your teeth and get dentures, it may be an option if a good amount of teeth are missing. When it starts becoming necessary for multiple partial dentures just to replace your missing teeth, it might call for removing those remaining natural teeth and getting a full set of dentures. Speak to your dentist if you believe due to how many teeth have already been extracted, you should simply extract the rest and get complete dentures.

Do you know what the disadvantages of dentures are?

While dentures can be convenient and provide you with an easy way to replace all your teeth, there are some disadvantages if you don't need them quite yet. For example, when your natural teeth are extracted, you risk losing jawbone density. While your smile is restored and you can still eat and talk like you would if you had natural teeth, that jawbone will be gone without dental implants to prevent deterioration. If you ever decide on implant-supported dentures in the future, you will need to get bone grafts completed first.

aware of disadvantages of dentures.

Can you afford implant-supported dentures?

On the plus side, if you have the budget for it, you might be able to get implant-supported dentures. You can have a beautiful smile that looks natural with these types of dentures. You will have dental implants on each side of your mouth in the top and lower row of teeth. The dentures will then snap onto the tops of these implants, which holds them in place. This can help with a lot of issues of dentures, such as having them shift and move around while talking or eating. It can make you more confident when you are wearing your dentures, but they are still removable and easy to clean like regular dentures that fit over your gums.

Keep in mind that opting for dentures by removing your remaining natural teeth does not keep you from the dentist (like those at Mooresville Dental Care). You still need to visit your dentist on a regular basis for an examination of your gums and mouth, along with having your dentures looked at.
