A receding gum line exposes the root of your teeth to the external elements. This cause tooth sensitivity and increased possibility of tooth decay. If your receding gums are left untreated for a long period of time, then this can result in you eventually losing your teeth. As a result, it is important, to try to prevent the issue before it occurs. Individuals who wear braces experience an increased likelihood of developing receding gums because it is a lot more difficult to thoroughly clean around braces. This allows bacteria to grow around your gum line. The easiest way to prevent this is by fortifying your dental care routine when you have braces. Luckily, there are a few natural rinses that you can use to help do this.

Olive Leaf Rinse

Olive leaf is an antibacterial herb that is used in times of sickness in order to kill off viruses and bacteria. The herb is commonly sold in health food stores as an extract. In order to create your olive leaf rinse, place a one or two peppermint leaves into a small pot of hot water. Add up to ten drops of the olive leaf extract to the water and place it on the stove to boil. Once it boils, remove it and set it aside to cool. Direct the rinse around your gum line. Use your mouth to guide it in between the brackets and small gaps. Keep he rinse in your mouth for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use the olive leaf extract at least once a day in order to keep bacteria away. 

Oregano Rinse

Oregano is commonly used as a seasoning to prepare meals, but it is also used to fight off bacteria infections. Dried oregano can be used to create a rinse that will help to keep your gums clean and prevent a receding gum line while you wear braces. Start by placing three spoonfuls of the dried herb in a bowl. Fill the bowl with hot water and add a slice of lemon. Cover the bowl and allow the mixture to steep for a few hours. Use the oregano rinse immediately after your meals in order to clean your mouth and protect against bacteria growth. Make sure to work the rinse around your braces and concentrate on your gum line. Keep the rinse in your mouth for several minutes before spitting and repeat this process.

While wearing braces can make cleaning your teeth a bit more difficult it is not impossible. Receding gums can be prevented with the help of these antibacterial rinses. For further assistance, contact a local dentist, such as one from HC Dentistry.
