Correcting cosmetic dental issues can seem like an overwhelming task because you may find it difficult to understand the various treatments that your dentist can use to correct these problems. Dental veneers can be an effective solution for treating a host of issues that dental patients may experience. To help you better evaluate whether dental veneers will be a viable treatment for your issues, you might benefit from having the following three questions answered.

What Is The Purpose Of Dental Veneers?

When you have dental veneers installed, the dentist will apply thin shells to the surface of your teeth. These shells are designed to mimic the look and texture of natural teeth. As a result, this can be an extremely practical solution for repairing a host of cosmetic issues. For example, severe staining, chipping and cracks can be hidden by placing veneers over the damaged teeth. In addition to the cosmetic benefits, this treatment may also help to provide some structural support to teeth, which may help to reduce the risk of further cracking or chipping.

How Will Your Dentist Install Veneers?

When you receive dental veneers, it will be necessary for the dentist to remove a thin layer of enamel from the teeth. This is done to make room for the veneer. While this may sound unpleasant, it will cause only minimal discomfort and will be completed fairly quickly. Once this layer has been removed, an adhesive will be added to the surface of the teeth before the veneer is placed on it. This process will be repeated for each tooth that requires the veneers, and the number of teeth that are receiving this treatment will determine the length of time that it will take. However, most patients will be able to have this procedure completed in a single session that will last no more than a few hours.

Do Dental Veneers Need Any Special Care?

Your new dental veneers will not typically require special care for you to maintain them, but you will still need to brush and floss as you would your natural teeth. Also, when you receive your dental cleanings, the dentist will need to inspect any of your veneers to ensure that the adhesive is holding the shell in place.

Opting to have veneers installed can be a great option for addressing a number of cosmetic issues with your teeth. Appreciating the various issues that veneers can address, the process of installing veneers and the type of care that they will require will help you to make a sound choice when it comes to choosing your cosmetic dental work.
