When you suddenly find yourself suffering from a toothache, whether it is a dull ache that you wake up with or a sharp and severe pain that happens when you bit down, you may find yourself wondering what could possibly be causing your pain and discomfort. There are many different possible causes for your toothache that can either be treated by dentists or other healthcare professionals. Get to know some of the possible causes of your toothache and you can be sure that you are able to properly deal with your pain and discomfort.

Sinus Infections or Congestion

One of the most common non-dental causes of tooth pain is a sinus issue such as a sinus infection or general sinus congestion. The maxillary sinuses are located alongside and behind the nose and nasal cavities.

Because of their location and the proximity of the maxillary sinuses to the teeth, inflammation or discomfort in the sinuses can cause pain and discomfort in the teeth as well. If your teeth have a dull ache that is not localized and affects all of the teeth, especially if you are also experience congestion and facial or sinus discomfort, you likely do not have a specific dental issue but instead need to seek out treatment for a sinus infection or try a nasal decongestant.

Cracked Tooth

Sometimes, if you bite down on something hard like a popcorn kernel or a piece of ice, you may find yourself with sudden and sharp pain in one of your teeth. If this pain continues when you try to eat in the future, you likely have a cracked tooth or a cracked filling.

A crack in your tooth can be minor or may run deep, exposing the sensitive dental pulp and the nerve that runs to the tooth. This can cause excruciating pain when you try to bite or chew or even when you are not doing so. A cracked filling can be just as painful. 

Treating a cracked tooth or filling requires a trip to the dentist to repair it. The dentist will first examine your tooth and will likely take some X-rays. Once they have determined the extend of the damage to your tooth, they can go about repairing it. This may involve replacing the filling, removing any tissue that has gotten infected, or possibly even removing the tooth entirely.

With these possible causes of your toothache in mind, you can be sure that you are seeking out the best possible care of your teeth and health overall.
