When it comes to getting your teeth whitened, you really have two choices. You can buy some over-the-counter teeth whiteners, or you can have the dentist whiten your teeth for you. Both of these methods have seen great results, and both methods have pros and cons. This article is going to zero in on some of the benefits of having your dentist whiten your teeth. Here are just a few of the advantages that can come from having your dentist whiten your teeth. 


A big reason that having your teeth whitened by the dentist may be a good idea is that they have more powerful bleaches compared to what you canbuy over the counter. Some may think that more powerful bleaches may be dangerous but considering that the bleaches that the dentist uses are mostly breaking the chemical bonds that are making your teeth yellow. Also, since the bleach is more powerful you will find that you are not going to have to keep the bleach on your teeth for as long. So, you will be able to go to the dentist and the appointment should not take very long at all.

Laser And Light

Another huge advantage of having your teeth whitened by a dentist is the fact that they are able and willing to use lasers and light to help speed the process up. Some of the stains on your teeth are extra hard to get off of your teeth, and so the laser and the light are able to break up a lot of the chemical bonds that are causing your teeth to be yellow. The good news is that the laser and the light do not add any pain to the treatment, but they do considerably increase the odds of getting a whiter smile faster. 

Proper Instruction

When you have your teeth whitened often you will find that your teeth are super sensitive. This occurs whether you use over the counter whiteners or the dentist. However, your dentist is going to be able to give you proper instruction on how to treat your teeth during pre and post treatments. The instruction that your dentist gives you will be for your benefit, and you will find that it helps your recovery time significantly. They will also be able to tell you how to brush and floss your teeth for the few days following your treatments. This is all in an effort to keep your teeth as healthy as possible.

Click here for more information on teeth whitening!
