A dental filling does a great job at sealing off a hole in a tooth where a cavity once was. They protect the tooth and reduce sensitivity that would otherwise be caused by missing enamel. However, there may be problems with a filling once it is placed in the tooth. Be aware of these three potential dental filling issues.

1. Missing Fillings

Have you suddenly noticed that a dental filling is no longer in your tooth, or that it has become loose and about to come out? You might first notice the problem due to the tooth being more sensitive, which is due to the food and air coming in contact with the exposed part of the tooth. If you do not have this problem addressed, it will only get worse as the tooth continues to decay.

Visiting your dentist will prevent the tooth from decaying more. They can put in a new filling so that the tooth is safe from damage.

2. Swapping Fillings

You may have used metal fillings when you first had cavities filled many years ago. However, now you are older and are not fond of the look of metal in your teeth. Thankfully, you can have these old fillings removed and swapped out with a porcelain filling. It can match the color of your teeth, which will make the filling noticeable to others.

Be aware that the procedure of removing metal fillings and replacing them with porcelain can be time-consuming. If you want to have more confidence with a great looking smile, you may find that it's worth having it done.

3. Uneven Fillings

Another problem that can happen will be noticeable right after the procedure. This is when the filling feels uneven in your mouth, and should be adjusted by your dentist. An uneven filling can cause issues with your bite, cause the filling to rub against another tooth and cause damage to it, or feel rough as your tongue rubs over it.

Thankfully, the solution to fixing an uneven filling is very simple. Your dentist has you bite on a special kind of paper that indicates which parts of the filling are high, which then tells the dentist where to grind the filling down. If you have a bite that is uncomfortable, it will drive you crazy over time, so be sure to take care of it immediately.

For more info about dental filling problems, speak with a dentist about it at your next appointment. For more information, contact a company like Milner Dentistry.
