If you think your child has an overbite or underbite, there are many treatment options available to them. To receive this treatment, you have to take your child to an orthodontist. The doctor will do X-rays to learn more about your child's bite problem and then develop a treatment plan to treat it. Below is more information about this so you can get started with treating your child's bite problem.


An overbite is when upper teeth protrude out and cover the lower teeth. This is caused by the teeth or jaw not aligning properly. This problem can be hereditary, or it could be because the jaw did not form properly while growing up.

The first stage with overbite treatment is placing metal brackets and fasteners to your child's teeth. A metal wire runs through the brackets and fasteners horizontally. This will straighten and align the teeth. The brackets must be tightened periodically as the teeth are straightening.

Once the teeth are straightened, overbite treatment will start. This will include placing a Herbst appliance in your child's mouth. This appliance is placed on the roof of the mouth and connects to the braces. The appliance slowly manipulates your child's jaw until it is aligned properly.

Once the treatment is finished, your child will have to wear a retainer for the rest of their lives. To help with this, you can ask the orthodontist to place a permanent retainer in your child's mouth that can never be removed.


With an underbite, the lower jaw protrudes and covers the upper teeth. This is also due to a misaligned jaw. Metal braces will first be used if your child has crooked teeth.

Once your child's teeth are straight, the doctor will continue treatment to repair the underbite. This is done by using a jaw expander that is placed on the interior upper jaw. This device is widened a little at a time each night until the jaw is at the right alignment. Your orthodontist will show you how to widen the device. The orthodontist will keep a close eye on your child's progress through this treatment.

Your child may also be asked to wear a chin cap at night. This will stop the lower jaw from growing while manipulating the upper jaw. The chin cap has a strap that wraps around the top of your child's head.

As with overbite treatment, your child will likely have to wear a retainer after treatment.

Talk with a local orthodontists service to learn much more information on the treatment of overbites and underbites.
