It's that time of year again when you can practically feel the excitement in the air as the weather gets warmer. Whether you are planning to take your crew to the amusement park for a fun-filled staycation or prepping for an epic trip overseas, you know that you will all be snapping photos constantly. Naturally, you want everyone to look their best, and gleaming bright smiles always light up the photo album. As you finalize your seasonal plans, you can use these tips to make sure that everyone is ready to flash their biggest smiles.

Start the Season With a Cleaning and Exam

During the busier months of the year, your family may have been too busy with school activities to keep up with your routine cleanings. If you've fallen behind, then now is the ideal time to get everyone to the family dentist for a cleaning and checkup. During your checkup, be sure to mention if you will be traveling or engaging in any new sports activities. Your dentist can offer tips such as recommendations for a mouthguard to wear during soccer games to protect everyone's pearly whites.

Ask About Teeth Whitening

When you take a close-up selfie, the first thing people tend to see is everyone's smiles. After you have a dental cleaning, take a good look at the color of your teeth. Often routine family dental care such as cleanings are enough to remove surface stains from food and beverages, and they are especially effective for giving younger kids whiter teeth. However, you, your partner, or your older kids may need a little something extra to lift deeper stains. If you do not like the color of your teeth or your kids are self-conscious about theirs, then arrange for whitening services before you head out for your vacation.

Pack Hygiene Kits for Everyone

Even spending one day away from home can mean that your family might fall behind on their oral hygiene routine. Your family may also feel uncomfortable taking photos if they just indulged in a restaurant meal or outdoor cookout. Pack a hygiene kit for each member of your group that they can use to remove stuck pieces of food from their teeth and brush their teeth on the go. This way, all those smiles will be gleaming when you pull out your camera.

Over the next few months, you can bet that you'll be filling up the family photo album. By making sure that everyone loves their smile, you can be sure that they'll offer up their biggest ones when you turn the camera in their direction.
