Dentists will often try as much as possible to preserve your natural teeth. This is the reason they offer services such as root canals, cavity filling, and even crowns. The truth is that no one looks forward to having their tooth extracted. However, there are some instances where tooth extraction is beneficial for you. If your dental health is compromised and your tooth is beyond repair, the dentist may not have an option other than pull out the tooth.

Despite your many visits to the dentist, you may not know when to have teeth extraction done. Tooth extractions can be performed because of various reasons, so you should talk with your dentist if they think one of your teeth needs to be removed. Here are four main reasons why your dentist can undertake the procedure.

1. Severely Decayed Tooth

Tooth decay remains one of the primary reasons for teeth removal. If you have avoided dental examinations for a long time, your tooth is probably beyond repair. It takes a lot of time for a tooth to decay until it needs extraction. Once the decay reaches the pulp or center of the tooth, the infection has probably spread to the root canal. When this happens, the only thing the dentist can do is remove the tooth and recommend other tooth replacement procedures.

2. Overcrowded Teeth

Sometimes a dentist can perform a tooth extraction procedure as an orthodontic plan. When your teeth are overcrowded, it becomes difficult to wear a warm smile. Fortunately, a dentist can remove the problematic tooth and create space for the rest of the teeth to spread out. This way, you can enjoy having that smile again without using braces.

3. Damaged Teeth

When an accident happens, your tooth may be too damaged for repair. You might also break your teeth after getting hit by a stray ball when enjoying your favorite game. Unfortunately, dental crowns may not be a viable option if the teeth are broken or severely damaged. If the tooth is not extracted, it could become infected and become too hard to manage. In this case, you should consider tooth extractions as soon as possible.

4. Gum Diseases

Periodontal gum disease is one of the common reasons why people need tooth extractions. In its severe form, it affects the alveolar bone. Gum diseases often develop when you stay for long hours without brushing your teeth after meals. With such an infection, the structures deteriorate, and your teeth become loose. Eventually, you will have no option other than to remove the teeth.

Your dentists will often try any remedy possible before opting for extraction. However, the above reasons are some of the few that could lead to such a procedure.
