Some oral problems can be resolved through a simple tooth cleaning procedure, while others require remedies like teeth whitening and braces. However, for severe tooth conditions, you might consider getting dental implants. Here are some conditions that dental implants can help rectify.


When you suffer from gum disease without seeking treatment, it advances to periodontitis. This is a severe inflammation of the gums. Over time, this can cause damage to the bones, gums, and surrounding tissue.

When teeth lack support, they become loose and fall out. As a result, you may require a tooth extraction. Dental implants can be a solution for those suffering from periodontitis. First, the dentist will treat and restore healthy gums and bones by performing bone and gum grafts. Afterward, they will install dental implants.

Sunken-In Facial Appearance

Another sign that you need dental implants is if your face has a sunken-in appearance. This occurs when you choose dentures to treat critical oral conditions.

Dentures don't stimulate your jawbone to encourage the regrowth of damaged tissue. Instead, even with dentures, you continue to lose jaw bone. You can resolve this condition through a dental implant procedure. When you get implants, the jawbone becomes stimulated. 

Dental implants occupy the place of missing teeth to avoid the loss of bone tissue. The implants are made of titanium and zirconium, which bond to your bone tissue through a process known as osseointegration. This prevents the deterioration of jaw bone tissue and the sunken-in facial appearance.

Chipped Teeth

A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) states that 20% of people experience trauma to their teeth at some point in their lives. A dental implant can replace chipped and missing teeth.

Implants match your natural teeth. Therefore, one can hardly tell the difference between an implant and your natural smile. After the procedure, you will not have problems eating, talking, and smiling. Additionally, dental implants will last longer if you observe proper oral hygiene and follow your dentist's after-care instructions.

In Closing

Before recommending a dental implant, your dentist will run tests to determine the severity of your oral condition. A dental implant cannot be used on diseased or deteriorating jaw bone tissue. The dentist may have to deep clean your teeth and perform a bone graft before the procedure. After the procedure, avoid hard foods, brush, and floss twice daily. When the dental implants get loose, you experience difficulty eating, or you suffer from inflammation, report it to a dentist. These are signs you need a new implant.
